Saturday, September 8, 2007

حُب الحريم

تكملة لموضوع الحب وأرفة إللى إبتديتة المره اللى فاتيت ، و هو من وجة نظر شخصية 100 % ، لأن الموضوع أصلاً قُتل بحثاً وكلاماً من جميع الشبان والشبات على كل صفحات والمدونات، و على كل لون يا بطسطا ، لكن برده الواحد لما بيتعب من الموضوع ده بيحتاح إنه يفضفض أو يُبدى وجة نظره فى المدعوء الحب، وقد تكون هذه وجه النظر قادمة من منطلق سعيد فتكون العملية هيام وغرام
وشعر أو من منطلق تعيس فتقلب العملية بسب ولعن كما هو الحال هنا
فى الحقيقة جانى كومينت جميل جداً من البنوته الأموره إبيتاف، لذيذ اوى عن الحب وحلاوته ولكن هيهات بردوا مش حيمنعنى إنى أقول وجة نظري فى الحريم و بالأخص فى مشاعرهن ، بردوا عشان محدش يقول إنى داخل أشتم فهو مجرد رأي فى مشاعر وحب الستات

المهم أنا من منبرى هذا أحب ان أقول الحريم مش تستحق الحب، ممكن يستحقوا الإعجاب ، الرغبة، الشفقة ،الحنية أو الجدعنة على أساس إن ربنا خلقهم ضعاف بدنياً.فممكن نلتمسلهم العذر، أنا ممكن أخد بالى من امى و اختى و زميلتى و جارتى و أي واحده فى الشارع عايزة مساعده و ممكن أسمع لى أى حد و أطبطب على أى حد و يصعب عليا أي حد.لكن إن إحنا نديهم مشاعر وأهمية و ولع فهن لا يستاهلن هذا أو ذاك .....مطـلــقـــــــاً. ، واحد يسألنى ويقولى لية؟

أقولك أنا لية وده من وجهة نظري أنا ، للتأكيد برده، عشان هن فى الأساس مشاعرهن مؤقتة ، فى كلامات أخري مشاعر وليدة اللحظة اللى بيكونوا فيها، تكون بتكلم واحده فى نص الليل ، تقولك أنا بحبك يا أبو حميد، تكون معاها و زانقها فى العربية و ماسك إيدها ، تقولك بحبك يا ميدو ، تكون واخدها ومفسحها ومغديها غدوه حلوه عل النيل ، تقولك اللة نفسى يبقى معنانا أولدنا، تسهرها وترقاصها ، تقولك أى لوف يو مون شيري
تيجى بقى إلى ما بعد التليفونات و الفسح والسهر و الهدايا و الورد والمعيدات و الـمسجات وتكون ضيعت عليها فلوسك و فلوس أهلك تلاقى إن هى مره واحده صحيت من النوم و تقولك أنا إبتديت أفكر، يعنى هيا مكانتش بتفكر قبل كده، جاموسة يعنى، وقال إية هي شايفة إن الحب لازم يكون مبني على حاجات تانية، وتبتدى تقول كلام هى ولا فاهمه منة حاجة أصلاً ، كلام من بتاع قصة "أنا حره" لإحسان عبد القدوس على فكره أنا من أكتر الناس اللى بتكره الراجل ده- وإنها شايفة إن فى حاجات تانية هى عايزه تركز فيها، قال إية عايزة أجازه من العلاقات مثلاً، أو أنها حسة إن ده مش الحب الحقيقي ، و إنها مش حاسة بالبترفلايز فى باطنها ، طب أومال الكلام ده كلوا كان فين وإحنا سوا، غراب جداً فعلاً

هى الواحده ممكن فعلاً توصل بيك لأنها تحسسك إنها بتحبك فعلاً ولكن برده الموضوع عرضى بس، يعنى لحظات الرومانسية اللى بتكون بين أى إتنين بتكون المرأه فيها بس طايره فى دنيا تانية بتستمتع باللحظة مش أكتر لكن الحب الحقيقي مش بيكون هو العامل الأساسي فالموضوع، فمثلاً لو سالتها و هى فايقة و مش فى حالة العلو الروحانى اللى بتكون فيها، بتحبية.......تقولك مش عارفه؟

فنوصل من كده لإيه، أولاً إنهم عندهم غباء عاطفى لما ييجوا يحبوا لاعارفين يحبوا مين ولا ليه. وبالتالى مشاعرهن زائفة ، زي ما قلت قبل كده ، وليده اللحظة وبس. وبالتالى فهن مش يستاهلوا إن الواحد يبالى بيهم عاطفياً

تيجي تقولى طب والناس اللى بتتجوز ، أقولك إن الجواز ده موضوع تانى خالص ، الواحده من دول عندها مليون سبب يدوعها للجواز ومش معنى كده إنها متجوزه عشان بتحب الإنسان ده ، و الأمثلة كتيره ومعظم البنات اليومين دول بيتجوزا عشان يبقه إسمها متجوزه و خلاص أو أى حاجة تانيه بقى زى العيال و غريزة الامومه أو الجنس ولاّ الضغوط الإجتماعية زى السن ولقب العانس وصاحباتها وأهلها وضل راجل ولا ضل حيطة ولا ّواحده عايزه تخلع من بيت أهلها ولا تكون ظروفها الماديه صعبة مثلاً وكل الكلام الل إنتوا عارفينوا ده

وحتى لو شفت إتنين متجوزين وسمعت عنهم إنهم إتجوزا عن حب وهى عايشة ومكمله مع جوزها مش معنى كده إنها بتحبه. الموضوع أنها عايزه تبان فى المجتمع إنها عندها راجل لأن الستات شايفين إن الست اللى مش عندها راجل زى الست القرعة اللى من غير شعر وطبعاَ مفيش واحده ست عايزه تعيش من غير شعر و أيضاً كل واحده عايزه أنعم و أطول وأحلى شعر فبالتالى تحاول الإستحواز على أحسن جوز ولا كأنوا جوز جزمه
وبإعتراف كل الستات إن أى واحده لما بتكون داخله عل علاقة مع واحد سواء بغرض الجواز ولاّ الصحبيه مثلاً وكانت واخده القرار بإلإستحواز على الراجل ده ، فكلهم إعترفوا إنهم ممكن يمثلوا أي دور الموقف يتطلبه سواء دور الحب أو الحنية أو الصديقة او الزوجه او الروشه أو العاقلة أو بنت الليل..... عشان يخدوه سواء للأبد أو لفتره معلومه و من ضمن الأدوار طبعاً دور الحبيبه الولهانه بحبها ودايبه لشوشتها وتيجى يا يعينى تفتكر إن البت بتحبك حب برئ مُجرد تطلع إنتا اللى مش فاهم حاجه

فالسبب الرئيسى لدخولهم فى علاقة مع الرجل هو ناتج عن أي حاجة تانية غير الحب لهذا الشخص اللى حينخدع فيها و فى حبها عشان هن عندهم مبدأ الإستحواز ولو الواحده كان عندها الإمكانيات الأفضل من الجمال و أو الأنوثة او المال أو العائله أو الوظيفة أو الشخصية لكانت حاولت الحصول على شعر افضل مما تملُك. ولو بعد الجواز إكتشفت إن الزوج ليس هو الأفضل أو إبتدا ينزل بيه المنحنى مع الزمن فقط تكون ساعتها مضطره فقط للبقاء معه ، لأنها مهماً كان شعرها بدأ فى التساقط فهى لن تجروء أبداً على حلاقتة زيرو وتعيش قارعة غير لو ابتديت تحس بالأذى من الشعر ده فساعتها يكون عندها الإستعداد لخُلع الشعر ده للبُعد عن الأذى فقط لا غير

أخيراً بقى إللى يقوللى الأمومة ، أقولك الأمومة ده غريزه ما الحيوانات بتحب أولادها ، يعنى مش حب عاطفى ممكن ندرجة معنا فى القصة ده
إذاً يا شباب ، محدش يفكريحب أى حريم ولا يتوقع أو يصدق كلامتهم ، لأنها كلها مجرد أحلام و أواهام هما بيخوشوا فيها تحت تأثير الهوا لكن ليس له أساس من الصحة. هن أه بيحبوا الرومانسية والعواطف ، لكن ده عشان طبيعتهم كده ، لكن مخ أو عواطف حقيقية ......مفيش....... دول بس عايزين يمتلكوا إللى قدامهم وخلاص مافيش أى إحترام لمشاعر الأخرين. إحنا كمان لازم نتعامل معهم على إنهم كمالية إجتماعية ، زى بدلة شيك كدة مثلاً ، زي حضّانة الواحد يستعملها عشان يكون عندوا أولاد ، زى تلفزيون ولا كاسيت الواحد يضيع معاه الوقت للتسلية ، زى شئ يستعمل للجنس ، زي خدامة للتنضيف و الغسيل والكوي والمسح والكلام ده. هو ده لازم يكون منظور الرجل للست وبس. وعلى الرغم من ذلك مش أقدر أنكر ذكاء المرأه ولا أهميتها الإجتماعية فهى فعلاً 3/1 المجتمع ، نعم أهميتها تساوي ثلث المجتمع بس وليس أكثر للأسباب التى سبق وذكرتها.

أنـــــا زهــــــــــــــقــــت

Thursday, August 30, 2007


بعد طول غياب كل إللى أقدر أقولة
ملعون أبو الحب ألفين وخمسميت ألف مره" ، إنة إحســاس بغيض ، خنيق ، مستفز ، مدمر، يعصب، يخاللى حياتك مش ملكك، يخالييك عبد، يخالييك بوبى للبتحبة ، يخالييك كده أوللا، ضايع، مش نافع فى شغل، مش مفيد لنفســك، أرفــان من الدنيا و اللى فيها، يخاليــــــك أهبــــــــــــــــــــل ، يخاليك رخيص ، مُهان ، عديم الكرامة

أنا مش عارف الناس اللى بتغنى للحب ده بتغنى لية، أكيــــــــــد كذابين لو كانوا حبوا بجد و إتقرصوا واللهى العظيم ما كانوا غنوا له

لو مكناش فى مكان عام كنت قلت كل الألفاظ الوسخة فى الحب......إبن ال... وإبن ال.......أنا مش عارف لية ربنا خلقنا عندنا إحساس ، مالوا الكومدينو ؟؟؟؟؟ ماهو واقف راجل بقالو سنين بكرامتوا

البوست ده أنا عاملوا عشــان أشتم فى الحب زى ما أنا عايز وأى حد عايز يشتم فى الحب أهلاً و سهلا إكتبوا فى الكومينت كل الشتايم اللى إنتوا عايزنها وأنا أوعدكم إنى مش حمسح حاجة. أنا عايز أشتم كمان و كمان بس مافيش حاجة على بالى دلوقتى.

البوست اللى جاى بأة غالباً شتيما فى الستات :)

أعذورونى يا بنات

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

From Bed, I Missed you my Blog

Woooooooooooooo…..Finally here I am in my bed, just another day of my life, watching "Al Avocato" fel Local Channel 2. First let me tell you why I decided to blog something tonite, I came back home after this long day, last thing I did that I took a Nice Nite Cruise wel denia raya2aaaaaa , wel gaaawooooo haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaady, we fe senet sa23a khafifa keda – Chilis keraa- ma3a Cigartten and I was listening to some Mohamed Fouad Oldeis' ……….oh man…..I got these songs from a friend, and they are really really old, they reminded me with my teenage or maybe younger too, It was the 80's when he started to appear ….yaaaaaaaah…but the songs are really different , I feel they are very compassionate & very alive too, they boiled my feelings even got me to feel, just for a few minutes, got to feel misery, depression and happiness too coz it reminded me with my old days, Kont kameel khales walahy….Ya khasra 3al el ayam eli bet3ady.. if any of you Ka2eeb then u would understand how I was feeling

Anyhow, I said to myself, lets get use of this mood and rite something, coz I felt that I missed blogging. So here I am. On the other hand it was just a VERY VERY BAD WEATHER DAY, el eyaam el safra eli kolah torab deh, ya3ny April dah ba3d keda el wa7ed fehmo khalas, Gawo zeft. Anzel labes bekom, 2aly el deni 7ar……..T-shirt te2leb be sa23aa we Chillis , mesh faheeeem khalas.
El mohem ….. work.. work.. work as usual, we waga3 dema3' …we 7ar2et a3sab…….After I was able to get out of work I went quickly quickly to shower my car. I arrived home, ate something and watched a part of the movie" You've Got Mail" beta3 Tom Hanks & Meg Rayan……..its a nice romantic movie, I liked it. Then caught up with my buddies for a late nite Coffee at Haris, we 3anhaa, ro7t wakhed el cruise we rage3 3al beet we ana basma3 Fouad.

That all was just to get myself back here, coz I don’t think it will be easy from now on to get something to rite.

I Just wanna say , I missed u my Blog, ashofak 3ala kheer.

Wento Tesba7o 3ala kheeeeer

Saturday, April 7, 2007


It’s a long weekend and what a boring weekend, I feel like I lost how to enjoy the taste of anything, friends suggested that we travel or spend a day use anywhere, but still I don’t think this will make a change, more precisely I can't travel in addition to my bad mood so I killed this need for traveling since the begging of the last summer, I didn’t see the beach even once. Sometimes I feel like I want time to pass quickly and sometimes no; I am only trying to kill my feeling for the time. I don’t want to feel it at all, either passing quickly or slowly. I am just gonna go with the weekend until we are back to work. Then, I will spend sometime again at work, come back home exhausted and waiting for the next weekend to come to take me back from work. I just want to get out of this loop, I feel like sophisticating I want to inhale fresh air deep inside and I want to take all this pollution outta my body which corrupted my mind and my soul. I dream that I wanna sleep and wake up to find myself the way I wanna be not the way I was shaped along the years of my life.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Week Of Events

Aaaaaaaaah, a week full of actions and events. I have got to know about the book "Taxi" from Epitaph post " ” coz we have to be honest and reference from where we r getting our subjects, this is what I was taught; also, Ahmed Shokier who also referenced other Bloggers before him in his post. ""

Anyway, ana kont fe west el balad last week ba score, and I bought the book, gamed gedan besra7aa, very realistic, it reflects a very true image to our society, the misery of the ppl………we bardo kan so damn Funny, kan fe shewyat nokat gamda cake, 3ala ma azkor beta3et Om Na3ima

بـيقولـك بـعـاتــوا
لكـل إللى صوتـوا فى الإنـتـخـابات و قالوا "نــعم" و بعـاتـواقـالــوا شـكر خـاص لأم نـعيمة عشـان قـالـت "نــعميـن"........هـع......هـع....هـع

El ketab tab3an karsaa, e7na already 3arfeen 7al el nas we 2ad eih homma tal3an denhioum, fa lel asaf el ketab fakrna bel Balaway wel kawaris el e7na fiha, we bardo el Ne3m eli e7na fiha, fa Al Hamdulellaah.

We 3andak bardo mawdoo3 el Dostor dah eli 3adda fe Samt al 7emlaan, walahy ana ma kont a3raf en dah 7ay7sal, ma7desh 2aly, ana lawo kont a3raf ………..kont olt "Na3am " Wa2tyyyyyyyy……….. kidding of course.
But this is supposed to be one of the most important days in our nation history , I bet like 75% of our population never heard a shit about it and still I don’t give a damn. Byazaaa Bayzaaaaa. On the other hand it will be good chance for all the Bloggers interested in the politics to write and swear as they want…………… YOU GO GUYS…YESSSSSSSS

Bas to be Fair here, we have to admit that we r enjoying the Era of Freedom of Speech, otherwise makansh Khalid el Khamiesy el writer beta3 "Taxi" katab eli katabo. Eli kan 3ayesh menko 2ayam 3abd el Nasir malsan, kan fehm wat I mean……. we 3erf meen homma Zouar El Fagr. Dah howa el Zouar dool tel3o awel matel3o ayam Nasir . Or at least eli ra7 menkom dewal el Gulf, yekalmni ba2a 3an el Democracy wel kalam dah henak. Lawo Dakar etaklim bas ma3a wa7ed sa7bak fel syasa.

we kan bardo fe 3eed el Om, we harouna fel TV be a3'any 3eeed el om, laken nesyo el Limby we howa be2oul "سـت الحناين يا حنانة نينة". Ana gebt le Omy Perfume and Cattle, 3shaan el cattel el adeem baaz, we ana bacon mesta3gil 3shaan a3mil el shay el sob7, ba3d ma el bet so3ad meshyet as i told u in the previous post.

Amma akhiran wa laysa akhiraan, el m3lem el kebir awy EL – MostaSaaaar "Morta" Mortada ya3ny, ya ged3aan el ragil dah Dawlyyyyyyy, walahy el 3azeem Dawlyyyyy, bas howa 7OOOOMAAAR Dawly, ba3d ma khad el 7okm, tel3 ahbal we bawaz kol eli 3amalo, we ahouh fel 7abs now ba3d ma 3amlhoum fiha mayet we 7atto edhoum 3aleeh, 3ala fekra ana Ahlawy sameem , ba7eb 3abdo Nos7y we ashgaa3 Sale7 Selim. Bas Morta bel nesbaly Case bent kalb ya3ny, he is Unique, Ololily ento fe kam wa7ed zaye Morta????? ……..mafeeesh tab3an, 3shaan keda howa Dawly. This is who u take ur rights ya oztaaz fel balad di.

El nahrda el khamis, abddann youm fel osbo3 for me, 3shaan el za7maa, we ana kaman mesh ba7eb akhorg youm el khamis, bas lya wa7ed sa7by howa wel group beta3o 3amlein Masra7ya fel AUC, esmaha Ma3'Mateezzzzzzzzzz. Tel3et 3alihoum ba3d el sho3'l, el masra7ya gamda gedaaaan gedaaaaaaaaaaaaaan, very nice group of young truly talented guys and girls. Ma3ahom Mohamed Imam, ebn Adel Imam, beta3 3omaret Ya3cobian, we Sara Nour el Sherif and a very nice cast really.

Its played at the Falaki Theater and Gallery fel AUC, 22-24 April & 27-29 April, ya3ny this weekend and the next Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday. Starting at 8:00 pm. Tickets are available at the theater all weekdays till the end of the show. Rou7ouha 7at3gibki awy awy, heya aslan a novel for No3man 3ashour………

We bas keda, arou7 ana ba2a….ashouf 7a3mil eih

Salam All

Sunday, March 18, 2007

و راحـــت سعـــاد يا أمــــــاى

تنــعى الأمـة بـكل ألــــــــــم ومزيــد من الشـــجن و الحـزن، تنـعى أسـرة المـغـفورلـه المـرحوم أميـرالاى قــائد قـوات المــيمـنه ، بنـاتـه و ولــــــــــده الوحيــــــــد الــيـتـيـــم ، بنته الكبيــره حـرم الأستاذ / عـلان العــلانى و بـنتــه الوســـطى بالـبنك التـمويـلي الإستثـــمارى المصرفى اللبنانى السعودي العقــارى، و الأستاذ / أحــــــمد بشركة تى إس إف إم بى سى دى، كــــــــــــل دووووول ينعون أول و تـــانى و تــالــت بوجـه قــبلى و بـــحرى و العـاصمـه ، مصـــر المحروســه ، يـنــعون طفشــــــــــــان الأنسه / سـعاد......... الهـــاوس مـــــــــــيد.

سـعاد كانـت تــــــالـت هـاوس ميـــــــد فى فترة تـقل عن 6 أشهر و قد أبــــلت بــــلاءاً حـسنـاً و أثـــنى عليـها الجميـع بمـا لــها من مجـهـودات و أهـمية قصـــــــــوي للتــــواجد بالمـــنزل لرعايــة الوالــــده و التى هـى الســبـب الرئيــــسي و الوحـــيد و أنــا أكـــرر الوحــــيد .............لفـقــدان سعــــــاد

و تجىء اهمية سعاد بشـكل مبــاشر على الســــت الوالـده ، الله يـكرمـهـــا، حيـــث كـانــت من الدرجــه الأولــــى فى الأعـمــال المــنزليـه و أيــضاً لرعــاية الوالـــدة نـــظراً لـــظروفها الصـــحية، والتى فى نفـــس ذات الــوقـــت تـــعانـــى مــن هــــسس الشــــك فى الشــغالــيــين بـــعد ان وصـــل بــها العمـــر أرزلة – ربنــــا يــديـها و يـديــكو طـــولت العــمر- فـــقـوم إيــــه......... البـــــت ســـــعاد إستسـلــمت و لم تســتطع الصمــود

والأهـــمية الغـــير مـــباشره ســتعـود عـليـــا أنـــــــــا بـــــشكل مبـــــــاشر، حيــــث ســوف تــكون الحيـــاه جـــحيم من القيـــــام ببعض الأعمـــال الخـاصـة بـغرفـتـــي حيــث أن الوالــــده حـــالتها الصحــية لا تـــسمح، فا بالـعافــيـة سـتقـوم بالإهتـــمـام باحـوالـها الشخصية. بالإضــافـة إلـى حـالـــت القــــلـــــق اللى الـــواحد حــيكون عـليها فى حـــال حـــدوث أى أزمـــات صحيـــه للست الوالده و هـــى تــجلـس بـالـمنـزل وحــيــدة و مــش لاقـــيا حـــد تـفرك عـلــيه بــعد ان كـانـت الأنسة / ســـعاد واخــدهة بــــحســـاهـــا. و الأهميه التالتة تتلخص فإنها حـتـفــرك عـليـا أنـا و تحــّور عـلـيا أنـا بـردوا. بالإضافـة إلـى إننــى سـوف أفـتقـــد الفـطار اللــى كـانــت بتعــملهولــى الـصــبح بـدل منــزل عـلى لحــم بطــنى زي الغـلـبان و كوبــية الشــاى و أيـضاً من الجــدير بالذكــر إن قـهوتـها كا نـــت ممـتـــازه ولا قــهوة هــاريــس .

يلا الخــيره فيــما إختــاره الله .......و إن لله وإليه راجــعـون........ و ربــنا يــسا محك يا أمـــاى بعــد ما ضـياعــتى ســـــــــعاد يــا أمــــــــاى..........إدعــولنــا نــلاقى بــديـــل لســـعاد فى أقـــرب فــرصه.... ومنـجـلــكوش فى حــاجه و حشـــى
Update 26/03/2007
So3aad reg3et ya ged3aaan, be mA7d eradathihaaa,walahy el 3azeem reg3et lewa7daha, ya baraket do3aky ya Epi, makshoof 3anek el 7egab yebenty walahy.
thanx for all those who gave support during So3ad Crisis

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Mobiles Cameras Movie Festival

"Hello 3alikom"...we... "Salamo 3alikom" -lel ekhwa wal akhwat eli 7a yesniffo their noses as if they r smelling somthing bad we y2oulo "Eih dah el nas te2oul Salamo 3alikom mesh Hello 3alikom", el mohem ....el wa7ed bas balo Yaaaadobak Fakkk shewyaa, and HARDLY got the feeling of relaxation today and ....EVERDAY walahy ya mens, Liffe is so STRESSING especially in this country- ma3a el e7tram no matter wat-.

Fana olt I get good use of this feeling of relaxation and write something. I really do agree now that writing a post needs a good and relaxing mood thats why I don’t post alot even though I am aware that all of my MISSING FANS are desperate for my posts. – Elli mashafosh el Blog aslan

El mohem tany, What got me on the gear was Mona El Hussiennie show "Al 3ashira Mas2an", she was interviewing very nice idea for a group of young artists and amateurs who are organizing a movie festival this month for clips that are shot by the Mobiles' cameras by maximum 3 minutes, 7aga digital ya3ny, she ran a sample of 2 of the movies.

The first one, we dah I feel eno 7ay3geb el ekhwa al blogawaya awy same as me, "Al Masafa", and it's about the distance between share3 tal3at 7arb fe west el balad, men 3and el 7etta eli be2oulo 3amlo fiha Wal 3yazoub Ellaah , 2aaaal eihhhhhh "Ta7roshaat Gensyaa fe West el Balad "- mawodo3 tab3an 3'any 3an al ta3reef. El mohem talet, "Al Masafa" is the walking distance measured in Steps from the Mall or the Movie theater to the NEARST Mini Police station – No2ta Ya3ny mesh Esm- Gabouly el No2ta allaah yekhreb beythoum........the steps was 67 steps counted from that mall to the No2ta.........waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw............... this is the first thing EVER started me thinking about mawdoo3 el ta7roshat dah. Besra7a it was for me like a HOUGA 7aslt and some disturbance that happened on the street like any other disturbance that can happen in Egypt, like a big fight between 2 grps or gangs of young guys for example.....3ady.....HOUGA as I told bas howa el Media & the Press and kol el nas Kabrouha shewaya. Honestly if u will agree to ASSUME with me it was a Houga,regardless of all other dimensions. Fa dah bardo maymna3sh it's SHAME that this Houga was happening just 67 steps away from the No2ta. Big Shame on the policemen really. Lazy ppl who were sleeping and don’t wanna do their job or even be aware of wats happening just 67 steps awy.

The second movie, which I liked Nos Nos, 3an DODO, the movie name was "Ent7ar", also less than 3 minutes. DODO Fataaaaaaa of 15 yrs old – bas mashallah Helf keda - and he is so stressed from school and his life.DODO went up for the roof of his building and throw a yellow balloon from like.... the 6th floor maslan to the cars driving on the road as if he was committing a Suicide presented in the form of the balloon. I liked the idea; it really can do something for Stressed people, What I didn't like that TOTO metawil sha3ro in a stupid way, we shaklo 7atta mesh zareef wala style, doesn't look good on him at all.And how come he is thinking about committing suicide in this age, howa 7ad la2y yerga3 lel ayam deh, kanet a7la raw2aaan, el wa7ed kanet dema3'o fadyaaaaaaaaaaa , fa yegye ba2a see TOTO yewareeny nafso we howa dakhil 3ala TAlATEEN sana zayee ba3dhoum keda, we yeshoof 7agm el stress wel pressure eli 7aykon feeh. Ya lahwyyyyyyyyyy Million and Million things he will have to THINK, CONSIDER, DO and TAKE CARE OF ...For Every Single Fuckn Day he will be living and those days after his day.

El mohem and finally, 3shaan matwelish 3alikom, the idea for the festival is very nice one, unfortunately I didn't pay attention to the contacts they announced, but I remember they will show these movies at the AUC, Jezutie schools -Cairo & Alex- and all GN4me movies theaters and some other places which I don’t remember bardo, but maybe will be amaken el mosakfeen like Sa2yet El Sawy deh bayen, during this month of March staring from the 20th OR 25th and end after that date wenta tale3 keda.

Last thing, - I promise u -, Fal Shay2o Bel Shay2 Yozkar......Mona EL Hussiennie.. .. I have a confession here, it's a CRUSH on her, I admire her so much, her smile So Inspiring and Lovely, and I wish that this show was in the morning just to start my day seeing her smile. Bets3ab 3alya awy when I see her so affected by any subject she's discussing, bab2aa 3ayez aklimha wa a2oulha tewlaa3 el denia beli fiha bas enty matdy2ish nafsek ya set el kol.

Bas keda, now this piece of post zbatetly el moood, Tesba7o 3ala Khir

Thursday, March 8, 2007


أأهيــــن و أأأأأة يـا زمن لمـا إبتلــيت بالكيــف....... الصحة صبـحت عـدم و ينـعل أبو الكيــف

و عجبــى

Friday, March 2, 2007

هو مش معاهم

Yesterday I went to see that movie, I really liked it, not to the Extreme – notice that "Extreme" is my key word here - but I liked the case they are talking about, film fe3lan beytkalim 3and 2adia zarifa, how guys and girls and can be dragged into the Extremes of their Liffe style, whether it’s a good and religious or bad and lost. I really agree with the final message of the movie which focused on the Moderate life style under the umbrella of religion. Anyway there is a lot can be said about such a case, So I recommend it to u to see. Even thought I didn't like Ahmed 3eed awy, I think it would have been better if it was starring Ahmed Helmy, amma for Boushra, she was so sooooooooo pretty and cool, akhhhhhh :-)

Yalla take care all

Thursday, March 1, 2007

تعالوا يابتوع السياسة إتفرجوا

ta3alo ya beto3 el sysa etfrgao, u guys talking about politics here on the Blogs. 7ad shaf el banner eli beytla3 el youmen doul 3al msn aw el hotmail fo2 keda,, ana makontsh fahem eih dah fel awel, olt a7'oush abous basa, kano 3amleen survey , 3an eih ba2ah," are we aware of the constitutional changes being discussed nowadays", ana olt yaaaaaaalla, nothing to lose, let me share and see the results, we lel asaf al shadeed, tele3et natget el survey 73% are not aware of the changes and only 27 % are aware from total voters 1610

a7la 7aga, en mesh ana lewa7dy eli mekbar dem3'ay. tel3 kol el sha3b fel talymana, asl ento shakiktoony fe nafsy, 7aset eno kolo el shabab ba2ah 3ando wa3y syasy we ana el wa7ed eli mastool, bas eli ana et2akdt meno that my opinon is rite, enha mesh far2a.

anways, Ya 100 nadama 3al 7ab wala talshy ya welad

ahmedthats from Werk

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Something about me

try to guess these photos and u might know somthing about my Liffe , enjoy

One Picture was removed from here by me

Monday, February 19, 2007

How I am feeling

Again I was thinking wat to rite; I have noticed there are many Bloggers who have faced this many times for many various reasons. So, I asked myself, am I obligated to rite? Am I here to entertain the readers??????????? Also, do I have the talent for riting, or do I have this hobby Aslan. Of course the answer is "Neither / Nor", Am not here "Neither" to entertain anybody other than myself. "Nor" a youth writer who has been searching for his life chance and finally got it online. Am just here to share something with ppl whom I don’t know, maybe coz I want to talk and express something or maybe for the joy.

So, finding something to write was also tiring this time, but I said to myself "Wat Da Heck!!!" just sit down and rite wat u have been initiating for this post. I have observed that most ppl are here to share their life experiences, relations, situations, giving opinions about different life issues or expressing some feelings & thoughts and many many things. Even I have found some Blogs for Porn !!!!!!!

– ME 2 ME: Still looking and thinking to the issue of Blogging itself, Booooooring Person & Introduction. Ekhla3o ya ged3an and don’t bother b4 it gets late, I warned u, Kay?

El nazria bas en ana a7eb ageeb el mawdoo3 men awilo, fa osboro 3alia faswa wa7da :)

Finally, the conclusion is why I don’t get the hell down to business and rite wat I waaaaaaaaaaaaaant.

What I want to rite about is related to my previous post, regarding that personayaa to whom I have revealed my Identity. She has sent me an email saying that she is so sad about wat I have written, ensuring me that my Identity will be safe with her and I have nothing to worry about and she will assume that I never existed and after her mail she will erase my email address.

Of Course I replied her and explained to her that it wasn't personal at all. What depressed me is that she couldn't understand that that post was very important to me. First because I joined the BlogWorld to talk with No Strings Attached and I have mentioned that to all of u, and it was my mistake at the beginning that I revealed myself to her, so i didn't mean to put any blame on her. Secondly, my previous post was imprtant to me, coz it was one of my first attempts that I wanted to express "How I am feeling" coz I don’t think I am good at that. I said exactly that I wasn't feeling comfortable coz my identity was revealed to someone so I felt like monitored. And when I made it to express "How I am feeling", I was happy with it but she got sad and mad which backed me away from posting and was about to confirm the idea of erasing my Blog forever – Liffe iz Liffe – 3'any 3an el ta3reef tab3an :D

Again to her, "don’t take it personal girl and no offense please, u should have been lil more patient to give urself a chance to know who is this person u talked to b4 u get this bad feelings and assumptions , which in return affected this person in someway without he had any mean intentions"

Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuf, Ana Keda Relieved and have reached to my aim outta Blogging and I made it twice now, expressed "How I am feeling"


Tuesday, February 13, 2007

From work

So unprofessional to be writing a post at work, also some will wonder how can have the mood for writing, but my job is not as any other job, everything about it is not that typical, which i thank God for coz it is not a routine job. Anyways, my business environment is sometimes very flexible in many ways. Its just a very slow boring day, nothing to be done since morning other than some lil support here and there, so as i chat, and surf the net, i opened the Blogs , started to read and check on ppl, mostly girls, to be honest. so after i have checked some new Blogs for girls, where some were interesting, i decided to make a post now, on the spot. u know wat, i was already preparing "My Third Blog" since a week, i wasn't expecting my self to be enhancing my Blogs b4 i publish them, i didn't know wat to rite, some of that banned blog was about my weekend and the week b4, when i was off. Anyway i just decided that i will skip "My Third Blog" and rite a new one now we ana a3ed 7awly Gam3 men el gamaheer, bas No brobleN, i don't even have a desk, ana a3ed 3ala tarabezt sofra with my laptop connected same as the rest 3ala el sofra.I am relaxed back on an old big chair and having the laptop on my knees and everybody is working and chatting in business.

Regarding me as a new Blogger, i got some nice comments from ppl encourging me to keep on, but something happened that i really regret, i have chatted with one of the bloggers on msn, why i regret it coz i feel my identity is revealed to someone who knows me now, knows my full name, my background, and she was smart as she checked my profile on the hi5 as well. to be honest here she was fair, she told me about her too. But this is not wat i wanted, i dont feel free now on riting watever i want or feel or have on my mind. i dont think that i will be able to rite any personal stuff. i feel like i am monitored now. i was just thinking cpl of days ago that i shut this Blog, and forget about the whole idea and get realistic.

some ppl they reveal their identity here on the Blog World, and some dont, i didn't like the idea until i felt safe without ppl knowing me, i want to say or talk all i have inside, this wats good about it, to talk to a total stranger.But now, there is someone who knows me, i dont know why i dont feel comfortable at all.

take care all

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

My Blogging ba2ah

I was always tempted by the idea of writing or sharing some sort of forum behind the virtual world of the Internet and live as the mysterious man, starting from chatting to the hi5. Also thought about Bareed al Aharam at the beginning, mostly to give my opinion about social stuff, but as usual, ends up by "who the hell cares ……why should I ".
Writing is a very nice thing, some ppl they like it and some don’t, just like any other thing in Liffe. I have come up to this Blogs sometime ago, but i just passed it once i have found most of the guys talking about politics and social reforms, besra7a, for me it is useless waga3 dema3' – for non Arabic Readers, seek help for translation men 7ad tany, I am here to talk on my way. Coz basically, it is for the ppl i am living with, my society, my country, ppl who share the same place……For My People……….. I don’t care for any non Egyptian to read my Blog.

Nerga3 ba2a why I passed the political and social reform Blogs, that’s not because I am not interested in them nor I am afraid from police as some of u will assume, coz this is so silly if it passes by ur mind, if u want to rite about this stuff JUST DO IT and let them go to hell but I am not interested in such stuff. My point is whatever we do, nothing gonna change, and don’t say I am negative or optimistic and that also doesn't mean I don’t have my own opinion about them. This is how I see it and no need to get into useless arguments. U do, think, write, believe, defend and call for whatever u like and preserve the same rite for me please. And if anyone wants to discuss this sort of issues, its big issues that have lots and lots of other tails to be discussed as well coz it is a whole complicated social system. At last I have chosen my Blog to be Non Political one, and for the Social Reforms, I think these are our daily Liffe issues, major and minor, and I will have to pass by it, by a way or another as well as the Politics tab3an .....ekhhhhhhhhh, So that’s why I named it "Liffe iz Liffe"

I remember first time when the word "Blog" caught my attention after I have passed them on the net, it was by Mohammed Hassanien Haikal, and he was talking about the amateur writers, journalists and youth writers. He mentioned "Bahya". Whom I have a found later that shes mashallaah a professional journalist or maybe bent mosakfaa zyada shewya 3an el nwa3ya eli el wa7ed met3awed 3aliha, bas she is something. Otherwise wouldn't Haikal have mentioned her. Also, Haikal mentioned wat is the Blog? It is an abbreviation for "Web Log", so I figured out that when u pronounce it quickly it comes up to be BLOG.
From the first Blogs that caught my attention was "bride wanna be", el bent deh is so funny ya ged3an, honest with herself and others and she can draw a very detailed picture of her scenes, she makes u see everything around her, ana kol maftkir el bo2 beta3 "Sebak men beto3 Lagnet el Syasaat" ana ba2a3 3ala rokaby men el de7k. if she comes here and read this one day; I'd say to her, keep on girl, ur so funny and honest. For other Blogs I haven’t read much, I think we as bloggers need to read much Blogs to generate ideas and improve our writing.

Bas la2a, ana mesh gaye akteb business mails, ana gaye atba7ba7. sebko men mawdo3 improve dah. For example after I mentioned Bahya and her name left a foot print in my mind, I just took a quick look at her Blog and that was it; I figured out I more into social and personal stuff.

Ana olt eih ba2a , ana adihaa Blog we etaklna 3ala allaah, matkhahlish 7aga fe nefsak ya wad. Asasan ….Asasaan….i still can't recognize alot of things in this domain, zayee el layouts, how to check my comments, some options on the settings , 3ayez maslan a3mil Favorite Quote fel 7etta elli fo2 3al shemal deh, mesh 3aref, we 3ayez bardo a3mil Viewers Counter. 3shaan ashoof fe 7ad me3bar walla la2a. fa ya3ny ya shbab ediko ma3ana keda, encourage and warm me up. Deh aham 7aga fel society en e7na nezo2 ba3d, we neshgaa3 ba3d lazem nekon one hand, "All for One and One for all", we allaah yemsaheeh bel kheer eli 3alimahly. We bardo 3ayez a3raf eih linkat wel 7arakat eli 3ala asamy el Blogs aw asamy as7baha as I mentioned bahya and bride above. We ya fed7ty lawo 3erfto ana sh3'aal eih aslan we mesh l2et el 3amlya. Fa ediko ma3ana ya3ny eli 3aref 7aga ye2oul lakhooh, aw yeseb comment zaref keda we alf ahlan we sahlan be kol el banat wel 7areem. Free Entrance, Free Drinks

To summarize el Blogs eli ana baseet 3aliha, I have found el okhteen N&N, zoraf mashallah, we ma3houm shelt shabab lozaz. We fe 7etet bet ba2a tanya, bas watya awy, mesya7a gamed ya3ny and I believe she just exaggerated in her Blog "Mozza Masreya". Bardo I didn’t read much blogs 3shaan kol madkhol fe wa7ed atla3 meno 3al wa7ed tany.2alay linkat we belad teshelny we to7tny we mesh 3aref leeh fe nas bet3amil more than one Blog, mesh fahem leeh !!!! even I don’t know wats the address to my Blog, everytime I have to log to the Gmail first then to Blogspot walla mesh 3aref esm omo eih, ana etlkhbat khalas.

Fa eshta that was a brief on how and why I am joining u guys, so I have been thinking in the past 2 days wat am gonna rite in my Blog. And I think this is just enuff for today, bas ento e2ro eli fat we ba3den akmilko wat I am gonna do with my Blog.


Monday, February 5, 2007

Why Blogging ?????

hmmmm, this is my first Blog. Am new to this, i like it and find it interesting. wat am gonna say, wat am gonna rite, wat am gonna talk about, MA3RAFSH
How i want it to be displayed, maybe starting from my blog layout to the language i will use, to topics i will choose or will i put my own thoughts, or shall i discuss social stuff or make my own diary. Shall i try to be formal in my writing, English or even Arabic. walla amashiaha saba7 el fol franko arab.
Dunno !!!!
we mena hona ila honaak, it was just the decision made to create my own Blog and see how it will go.
