Tuesday, February 6, 2007

My Blogging ba2ah

I was always tempted by the idea of writing or sharing some sort of forum behind the virtual world of the Internet and live as the mysterious man, starting from chatting to the hi5. Also thought about Bareed al Aharam at the beginning, mostly to give my opinion about social stuff, but as usual, ends up by "who the hell cares ……why should I ".
Writing is a very nice thing, some ppl they like it and some don’t, just like any other thing in Liffe. I have come up to this Blogs sometime ago, but i just passed it once i have found most of the guys talking about politics and social reforms, besra7a, for me it is useless waga3 dema3' – for non Arabic Readers, seek help for translation men 7ad tany, I am here to talk on my way. Coz basically, it is for the ppl i am living with, my society, my country, ppl who share the same place……For My People……….. I don’t care for any non Egyptian to read my Blog.

Nerga3 ba2a why I passed the political and social reform Blogs, that’s not because I am not interested in them nor I am afraid from police as some of u will assume, coz this is so silly if it passes by ur mind, if u want to rite about this stuff JUST DO IT and let them go to hell but I am not interested in such stuff. My point is whatever we do, nothing gonna change, and don’t say I am negative or optimistic and that also doesn't mean I don’t have my own opinion about them. This is how I see it and no need to get into useless arguments. U do, think, write, believe, defend and call for whatever u like and preserve the same rite for me please. And if anyone wants to discuss this sort of issues, its big issues that have lots and lots of other tails to be discussed as well coz it is a whole complicated social system. At last I have chosen my Blog to be Non Political one, and for the Social Reforms, I think these are our daily Liffe issues, major and minor, and I will have to pass by it, by a way or another as well as the Politics tab3an .....ekhhhhhhhhh, So that’s why I named it "Liffe iz Liffe"

I remember first time when the word "Blog" caught my attention after I have passed them on the net, it was by Mohammed Hassanien Haikal, and he was talking about the amateur writers, journalists and youth writers. He mentioned "Bahya". Whom I have a found later that shes mashallaah a professional journalist or maybe bent mosakfaa zyada shewya 3an el nwa3ya eli el wa7ed met3awed 3aliha, bas she is something. Otherwise wouldn't Haikal have mentioned her. Also, Haikal mentioned wat is the Blog? It is an abbreviation for "Web Log", so I figured out that when u pronounce it quickly it comes up to be BLOG.
From the first Blogs that caught my attention was "bride wanna be", el bent deh is so funny ya ged3an, honest with herself and others and she can draw a very detailed picture of her scenes, she makes u see everything around her, ana kol maftkir el bo2 beta3 "Sebak men beto3 Lagnet el Syasaat" ana ba2a3 3ala rokaby men el de7k. if she comes here and read this one day; I'd say to her, keep on girl, ur so funny and honest. For other Blogs I haven’t read much, I think we as bloggers need to read much Blogs to generate ideas and improve our writing.

Bas la2a, ana mesh gaye akteb business mails, ana gaye atba7ba7. sebko men mawdo3 improve dah. For example after I mentioned Bahya and her name left a foot print in my mind, I just took a quick look at her Blog and that was it; I figured out I more into social and personal stuff.

Ana olt eih ba2a , ana adihaa Blog we etaklna 3ala allaah, matkhahlish 7aga fe nefsak ya wad. Asasan ….Asasaan….i still can't recognize alot of things in this domain, zayee el layouts, how to check my comments, some options on the settings , 3ayez maslan a3mil Favorite Quote fel 7etta elli fo2 3al shemal deh, mesh 3aref, we 3ayez bardo a3mil Viewers Counter. 3shaan ashoof fe 7ad me3bar walla la2a. fa ya3ny ya shbab ediko ma3ana keda, encourage and warm me up. Deh aham 7aga fel society en e7na nezo2 ba3d, we neshgaa3 ba3d lazem nekon one hand, "All for One and One for all", we allaah yemsaheeh bel kheer eli 3alimahly. We bardo 3ayez a3raf eih linkat wel 7arakat eli 3ala asamy el Blogs aw asamy as7baha as I mentioned bahya and bride above. We ya fed7ty lawo 3erfto ana sh3'aal eih aslan we mesh l2et el 3amlya. Fa ediko ma3ana ya3ny eli 3aref 7aga ye2oul lakhooh, aw yeseb comment zaref keda we alf ahlan we sahlan be kol el banat wel 7areem. Free Entrance, Free Drinks

To summarize el Blogs eli ana baseet 3aliha, I have found el okhteen N&N, zoraf mashallah, we ma3houm shelt shabab lozaz. We fe 7etet bet ba2a tanya, bas watya awy, mesya7a gamed ya3ny and I believe she just exaggerated in her Blog "Mozza Masreya". Bardo I didn’t read much blogs 3shaan kol madkhol fe wa7ed atla3 meno 3al wa7ed tany.2alay linkat we belad teshelny we to7tny we mesh 3aref leeh fe nas bet3amil more than one Blog, mesh fahem leeh !!!! even I don’t know wats the address to my Blog, everytime I have to log to the Gmail first then to Blogspot walla mesh 3aref esm omo eih, ana etlkhbat khalas.

Fa eshta that was a brief on how and why I am joining u guys, so I have been thinking in the past 2 days wat am gonna rite in my Blog. And I think this is just enuff for today, bas ento e2ro eli fat we ba3den akmilko wat I am gonna do with my Blog.



Nesrina said...

Yalla ya Ahmed, waiting for more :)

voice of love said...

مستنيينك ومنتظرين الجديد
نورت عالم التدوين

ahmedthatsit said...

thanx to u Voice, if u come back here again. i'd like to tell u, Cheer Up girl, ma7desh wakhed menha 7aga

Anonymous said...

WELL..I like how you started all!! wtg ya fandem..w shed 7eilak..mestanyeen el gedeed insha Allah

for links wel 7arakat.. examine that link..feeh beta3t code el songs w keda 3shan el general atmosphere for your blog
check this link then

waswafeekom bi ahm el anba2 :D

good luck